Thank you for joining us at our third ever CODEX Hackathon! From February 10–12, over 100 participants convened at MIT's Media Lab to explore the intersection between literature and technology.
Check out our Devpost page to learn more about this year's wonderfully innovative projects.
CODEX is a community of people who want to imagine the future of books and reading. Programmers, designers, writers, librarians, publishers, readers, bookstore wanderers, literary dreamers—all are welcome.
CODEX sponsors and partners include Mailchimp, MIT Libraries, Bookbub, The New York Public Library, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, Harvard Book Store, Innovative Interfaces, Dropbox, The Digital Public Library of America, Google, and The Hawaii Project.
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we offer travel stipends to those who need assistance getting to CODEX.
Join the fun! More information about CODEX 2018 is on its way soon, and we'll be taking applications later this year.
Check out our video from the 2015 CODEX in San Francisco.
You can also browse through the projects that emerged from the event, or
read more about the CODEX experience on Medium and in The Boston Globe.
We make a point of making tools, APIs, and data sets available to our participants. Past hackathoners have had the opportunity to work with APIs from The New York Times, Mailchimp, Dropbox, and Goodreads. We also provide access to reviews from Publishers Weekly, covers from Recovering the Classics, short stories from One Story, and novellas from Nouvella, among other literary goodies.
We've had an amazing roster of sponsors and partners for CODEX, including:
The Digital Public Library of America
and many more...
Want to be a partner or sponsor? Email us at